Llyn Foulkes: The Untied State of America

Posted on November 22, 2024 by Melissa Stern

Llyn Foulkes: The Untied State of America

A person with a face cut out of paper Description automatically generated
Pat, 2020. Pigment print, oil, acrylic, red oak, and found objects on wood. 31 3/8 x 25 3/8 x 1 7/8 inches

Llyn Foulkes is a 90-year-old painter, jazz musician, troublemaker and visionary. After making a splash entrée on the American art scene in 1961, he hopscotched around the artworld, changing genres and styles as his restless mind embraced new ideas. He has been “consistently inconsistent” (from his website), wonderful for an artist, but not always strategic for a career. The commercial art world can be somewhat conservative, preferring that an artist find a groove and stick to it. As a result, though brilliant, Foulkes has not yet achieved the wide recognition that he deserves.

Perhaps that will change after the career retrospective currently at A Hug From the Art World in Chelsea. Spanning 1949 to 2024, the show is a beautifully curated view into the Foulkes Universe. The exhibition is divided loosely into three parts, conveniently arrayed over three floors of the gallery.

The ten cartoon drawings from 1949 portray the foibles of us humans with an irreverent dry wit. Some of them recall early R. Crumb works or the cartoons from American Cartoonist Magazine, founded in the 1940’s. Caricatures of typical American men leer at women and one another. The human comedy is depicted in a droll and loosely drawn way– very much of an era and very much an example of Foulkes worldview. These brilliant drawings were made when Foulkes was just 15 years old.

A drawing of a group of people in a white frame Description automatically generated
Union of Hypnotists, 1949. Ink and pencil on paper. 8 1/2 x 11 inches

Part of a series labeled Outtakes, these are works that have never been shown in a gallery space. This part of the exhibit includes a facsimile of two walls of Foulke’s studio in Los Angeles. A delightful accumulation of “stuff” that gives us insight into Foulkes’s wicked sense of humor and interests. Vintage photographs mingle with road signs, animal bones, industrial objects, and knick-knacks, the detritus of a peripetia life, mind, and artist.

A room with white chairs and a yellow sign on the wall

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Cabinets and studio wall installation, 1976-2024. Mixed media

The most current work which is on the first floor is ruthlessly honest, political, biting, funny and frightening. Foulkes is unflinching, His references to racism, Trump and war in the Ukraine are especially fierce. This is angry and urgent artwork. Not always easy, but immensely satisfying for those who have watched the changes in America since 2016, the start date for this body of work. Referencing pop and political icons such as Micky Mouse, Teddy Roosevelt, Pat and Richard Nixon and the Trumps in his work Foulkes magnifies the psychological dissonance we all experience in our daily media bombardment.

In Surrender (2022), Foulkes uses found media and paint collaged over giclee prints to present us with a formal portrait of a young man. His bloodied face partially covered by a Ukrainian flag, he nonetheless holds tight to a harvest sickle; wheat being a major export of the Ukraine. He breaks the traditional picture frame, symbolizing the violence and resilience of those fighting to stay free. It’s a chilling portrait.


A painting of a person with a sickle

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Surrender, 2022. Giclee, acrylic, and found media on panel.62 1/2 x 29 1/2 inches

Many of the works incorporate found objects and found media. Foulkes has a keen eye for how to tweak a photograph and make it his own. A wall of these images on the lower level of the gallery is hilarious, delightful and more than a little alarming.

A group of pictures on a wall

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Wall installation of various small pieces.

A painting of a person

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Uncle Sharkley, 2022. Giclee and oil on panel. 16 x 11 inches

Uncle Sharkley (2022) is a portrait of a man both benevolent and creepy looking. His vaguely retro outfit is a little too big for the overly-orange head that gazes cheerfully into the distance. And his teeth are weird. The thick and vigorous brush strokes surround the photographic image and seem perhaps on the verge of smothering him.

This is a show that will get your heart beating a little faster and both fuel and channel your moral outrage. It’s also darkly funny, and we could all use a little more humor these days.

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Martin Wilner -The Case Histories: When We Cease to Understand the World (Extraterrestrials on The Couch)

Posted on September 18, 2024 by Melissa Stern

Martin Wilner -The Case Histories: When We Cease to Understand the World (Extraterrestrials on The Couch)

A collage of drawings of people Description automatically generated
June 2015- Seth Shostak. Pen and ink on Bristol board 161/2 x 171/8

Martin Wilner’s compelling new show at BravinLee Projects is both conceptually and visually complex, the work of an intellect working on several intersecting planes. Wilner is a practicing Freudian psychoanalyst, a scholar, and mentor to analysts in training. He is a self-taught artist whose work reflects his involvement with the human psyche, popular culture, and comic strip art. His artistic practice is intertwined deeply with his psychoanalytic work and comes with an interesting twist; Wilner the therapist invites the public to engage deeply with the world of Wilner the artist via social media.

A drawing of different people Description automatically generated with medium confidence
August 2015- Margaret Race. Front. Pen and ink on Bristol board. 16 ½ x 17 1/8
A drawing of a map Description automatically generated
August 2015- Margaret Race, verso

Wilner has been working for decades on conceptual and visual projects following this singular artistic path. The work with which I am most familiar is entitled The Case Studies. Each month, a “subject” enters into a “journey” with Wilner. The subject communicates with him each morning either through email or text, telling Wilner whatever is on their mind. It could be a dream, a worry, a victory, a poem, whatever comes to mind. Each subject expresses themself to Wilner in a manner of their choosing. Wilner responds to this missive and turns it in an Instagram/Facebook post. By the end of the day, he posts a drawing of his own that reflects the post.

At the end of each month, these drawings are composited into one large piece that traces the month’s episodic journey. One can “read” the archive of these on Wilner’s Instagram page. It is a unique and fascinating use of social media, and if one engages, it becomes a little addictive, much like social media itself. The participants are always anonymous. The patient/therapist relationship is both private and public, and we are voyeurs into it.

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May 2015- Oana Marcu, front. Pen and ink on Bristol board. 16 ½ x 17 1/8
A collage of many black and white text Description automatically generated
May 2015- Oana Marcu, verso

Most of the work being shown at BravinLee Projects is based on Wilner’s 2015-16 artist-in-residency at SETI Institute (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence), a research organization closely affiliated with NASA. While the description is complex, it involves a deeper dive into the nature of consciousness, the possibility of communicating with extraterrestrial life, and A.I. This project relates totally to his previous bodies of work but takes the investigation into consciousness in entirely new directions. The description on the gallery website explains the conceptual foundation of the project in detail. I prefer to focus on the drawings themselves because they work beautifully in their own right.
A collage of different people Description automatically generated
Oct. 2015- Friedmann Freund, front. Pen and ink on Bristol board. 16 ½ x 17 1/8
A collage of different images Description automatically generated
Oct. 2015 -Friedmann Freund, verso

The exhibition consists of a series of double-sided, wall-mounted drawings as well as a few conventional one-sided pieces. The double-sided drawings are mounted on the wall on hinges so that the viewer can swivel them. The images are astounding. Wilner has created his own idiosyncratic visual vocabulary that draws from many sources but remains firmly rooted in 20th century culture. A cacophony of imagery from Alfred E. Neuman, the icon of MAD Magazine, to images from astrology, cartography, comic books and typography are all woven together into intricate narratives. The pieces are rendered painstakingly in pen and ink. The gallery provides magnifying glasses for those who wish to use them. One side of each drawing is in color, the other in stark black and white. The narratives flow up and down and across the pages, much like the meandering of the mind at work. The stories are not linear, yet they are coherent. The relationship between the two sides is not immediately apparent and adds to the general sense of mystery and investigation that pervades Wilner’s work.

Much like the therapeutic relationship, we, the viewers, are asked to puzzle out or bring our own meaning to Wilner’s drawings. They are narrative, but that narrative is open to the viewer’s interpretation, transference, and projection. We become the therapist and the drawings the subject. Like the children’s game of whisper down the lane, the story changes over time and retelling. Wilner draws his version of the reality presented to him by his “subject.” We then interpret the artist’s version through reading his version. Each visual and verbal story contains an array of possible outcomes.

Perhaps I am projecting, but I think that Wilner understands that reality is slippery and ever evolving. This is what the project with SETI is about . But of course Wilner’s work as a psychoanalyst would have perhaps already shown him this fact of human nature. .His drawings present a world view that like the therapist/patient relationship entice us to dive deeply into a universe of possible narratives. It’s a fascinating construct that has given bloom to a unique and compelling vision.

A collage of different cartoon characters Description automatically generated
March 2023 Mike von der Maher. Pen and ink on Bristol board. 16 ½ x 17 1/8
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Lubaina Himid- Street Sellers at Greene Naftali

Posted on June 7, 2024 by Melissa Stern

Lubaina Himid- Street Sellers at Greene Naftali

A painting of a person holding a rope Description automatically generated
Posture Master- 2023. Acrylic on canvas. 96 x 72

Rarely has there been a group of people as uniformly elegant and graceful as those who inhabit Lubaina Himid’s paintings, currently on view at Greene Naftali in Chelsea. Entitled Street Sellers, Himid has created a group of large, figurative paintings that pulse with vibrant color and life. These graceful, solo figures proudly present their wares to us–eggs, birds, musical instruments, and fish, as they move through the landscape.

Himid, who is of English and Zanzibari parentage, has frequently reached back into her African heritage to present stories from the history of colonization and slavery. Her retrospective at The Tate in 2021 featured a multi-painting retelling of the story of a slave ship called The Rodeur. In 1819, there was an outbreak of a highly contagious eye disease called ophthalmia. Slaves and crew members were stricken with blindness. To receive the full insurance value of the now “unsalable” slaves, 36 of them were thrown overboard.

Himid retold this story through a series of paintings that metaphorically reflect an underlying anxiety rather than solely the horrific events. The paintings are genteel and elegant. She transferred the setting to a loosely defined vintage ocean liner populated by beautifully outfitted Black people. It’s impossible to tell what era this is, though it is definitely the 20th century. The sense of mystery that compels the viewer to “read” this story is deeply compelling. The horror only comes when the viewer knows the story behind the drama.

Rather than portray historical events, Himid prefers to evoke them. This sense of the fluidity of time and place suffuses the current exhibition. It’s hard to really place the people in these paintings. Some of the outfits look vaguely 18th-century English or generic European; they certainly aren’t contemporary. Himid has made ten eight-foot-tall full-length figures, a painting format traditionally associated with aristocrats and royalty. Perhaps she is suggesting that these hard-working class people ARE true royalty.

A painting of a person holding a fish and a stick Description automatically generated

Fish Seller: Safety or Danger. 2023. Acrylic on canvas. 96 x 72

They could be characters in a story rather than individualized portraits. I scanned the walls to see if there indeed was an overarching story, as there was with the Rodeur series. Himid has a background in set design, and many of her pieces over the years and in this show reflect that. There is a formality and theatricality to these paintings. The street sellers show off their wares, cavort and present themselves to us as if in the prologue to a play. I don’t consider the choice to not individualize the figures as a detriment to the work, rather, I feel like the entire exhibition is a magic show waiting to start.

Himid’s painting has become much looser than I had seen previously, atmospheric gestures and veils of color define the landscape within which each figure lives. She has always been a brilliant colorist, and these paintings pulse with gorgeous and rich color combinations. These deep jewel tones, not found in nature, evoke the imagined world of the Street Sellers. As always, bits and pieces of patterning appear in the paintings. These both define the space and jar the viewer’s expectations of the landscape and architecture.

A painting of a person playing a trumpet Description automatically generated
Toy Seller. 2023. Acrylic on canvas. 96 x 72

The one off-note for me in the exhibition is the inclusion of uniquely made street signs. They appear to be cardboard, but according to the gallery notes they are on archival paper mounted on wood free-standing frames throughout the gallery. Each of the large paintings has a companion sign. One side of each sign is a crudely drawn cartoon of what is being sold in the larger work and a phonetic or made-up language advertisement for that item. The verso is a hidden message that I think is what we are meant to believe that the seller is thinking. It feels forced. The signs occupy an odd mid-point; they aren’t painted well enough to match the paintings, and at the same time, they aren’t rough enough to push the concept of contrast between inner and outer worlds. It’s a collaboration between Himid and her partner, Magda Stawarska, who has previously produced luscious soundscapes to accompany Himid’s work.

Plump and Delicious Birds. 2024. Screenprint, acrylic paint, etching ink. 365/8 x 29 7/8

Nonetheless, it’s a treat to see paintings as glorious as these. The Universe that Himid creates is both Joyful, colorful, delightful, and elegiac. The Street Sellers are a poetic portrayal of an imagined world of the past, yet one that feels completely contemporary.

A group of people standing in a room with paintings

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Install view Greene Naftali

All photo courtesy of Melissa Stern

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The Golden Thread – BravinLee Offsite at The Seaport

published in Art Spiel on May 2, 2024


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Christopher Myers Ghezo’s Throne, 2021 Appliqué textile, 72 x 48 inches

BravinLee Projects has just launched an audacious, big, and bold exhibition of 60 contemporary artists working in textile or textile-related mediums. It’s a massive show in an unlikely pop-up space. A five-story historic brick warehouse building in the Seaport that is anything but the cool, clean white box gallery that we are used to. The walk-up gallery space has vintage wide planked flooring, old fireplaces, and deeply aged brick walls. Though it must have been a challenge to curate in the space and even more of a challenge to install, the result is a fascinating presentation of artists working in a wide range of materials and styles.

There are quite a few installation pieces where the artists have responded directly to the site, and their work looks remarkably at home in the 18th-century rooms. The installations suffuse the rooms with feral energy, which is a nice counterpoint to the many other works in the show that are wall-hanging and thus a little more “civilized.”

A room with a fireplace and pink curtains Description automatically generated
Sara Jimenez, At what point does the world unfold? (column 1), 2022, Textiles, beads, paint, sequins, ceramics, 6 x 37 feet

Understandably there are quite a few pieces that riff on embroidery in innovative ways. I don’t know when the phrase “subversive stitching was coined,” but it very neatly describes the embroidered works in this exhibition. The stitchers are stichin’ like mad in this show, producing excellent and deliciously subversive works. Orly Cogan, an artist who has long used the medium to creative psychodramas, love, and sexuality, excels here with her large-scale tapestry.

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Orly Cogan, Life Force, 2019, Hand stitched embroidery, appliqué, crochet, lace and paint on vintage bed linen, 80 x 90 inches
A detail from Woolpunk’s large banner that combines stitching and collage on a digitally printed substrate. Mass Stitchings No. 4: Chamber Street Station, The People vs. Bernard Goetz, 2024 Digital image with stitched fiber remnants and recycled textiles on vinyl banner, 36 x 54 inches
A group of colorful blankets on a brick wall Description automatically generated
Two sculptural jackets by Michael Sylvan Robinson, Composting Our Fears + Committing to Action, 2020, Sculptural garment with textile collage, stenciled text with machine and hand-stitching, sequins and beading, buttons and semi-precious stones on fabric, 30 x 95 x 2 inches

The delight in using analog processes is evident in every single one of the works in this show. Though there are toe dips into digital production processes, the major part of every piece has been fabricated by hand.

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Allison Reimus, Nobody Wants To Work, 2023, Oil, flashe, ink, bleach, woven hot pads, paint brushes, threads from canvas on dyed printed sewn linen, canvas, and burlap
A circular object with a picture of sand dunes Description automatically generated
Naomi Ben-Shahar We Are the Event Horizon of Existence Itself, 2024 61 x 61 x 2 inches (155 x 155 x 5 cm) Hand weave (kid silk, cotton, coconut fiber, wool, pineapple fiber, alpaca, silk, metallic yarn, kid mohair) on custom loom, gold-toned gelatin silver print mounted on aluminum.

This show is big in size and big in spirit. The combination of the charged atmosphere of the building and the overall passion with which each artist works makes for a potent exhibition. The exploration of all things textile presents a vibrant portrait of the current field. Artists are working with any and everything within the wide definition of these materials, and the curation presents us with an equally wide range of works. Not everything will resonate with every viewer, but I would bet money that was not a curatorial concern. Rather, I think that one of the underlying themes of the curatorial choices is “joy.” Whether the work is sexy, political, abstract, or conceptual, the unifying sense of the joy of making is palpable. The show has a limited-time run. So get down there.

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Melissa Dadourian, Purple Slice, 2024, Hand-machine knitted thread, acrylic paint, paper clay, T-pins, 52 x 42 x 2 inches

About the venue- “207 Front Street is one of the oldest buildings in the South Street Seaport, built in 1797.  It is an outstanding example of mercantile architecture, with a twelve-foot diameter hoist wheel, peaked roof, Flemish Bond brick facade, and heavy timber floor framing.  This 10,000. Sf. building was owned by some of the most prominent mercantile families in New York City history.  Added to the National Register of Historic Places in 1972, 207 Front Street has never been open to the public before.  Special Thanks to Seaport Associates LP & Belle Harbour Capital LLC.”


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Man Bites Dog Bites Man

published in Art Spiel on Jan. 29, 2024


John O’Connor at L’Space presented in conjunction with Pierogi Gallery

Noahbot-colored pencil and graphite on paper. 83 x 69.5. 2013. Photo courtesy of John Berens

There is an astonishing amount of information in John O’Connor’s drawings. The work, currently on show in Chelsea at L’Space Gallery, explodes off the paper with words and numbers, names, logos, and dates. It’s information overload, and that is part of the genius of the show.

It’s O’Connor’s first solo show in eight years, and clearly, he’s had a lot on his mind. It is a dense exhibition, and you need to either give yourself a lot of time or come for two visits, as I did. The drawings, all made with colored pencil and graphite, grapple with huge questions– philosophy, ethics, politics, linguistics, and history, all the while appearing as visually appealing pop art. It is only as you attempt to decipher the code or puzzle the underlying logic that you begin to understand that there’s something very different than fun “pop” drawing going on here. His interests roam all over the intellectual map, from chess strategy to the writings of Plutarch.

Car Crash-colored pencil and graphite on paper. 85 x 69.75. 2023. Photo courtesy of JSP Photography

There is a particular obsession– and I use that word as a compliment– with cause and effect, both philosophical and visual. As in the piece Car Crash 2023. O’Connor has taken the “chain” theory from Newton’s Law of Physics- rapid changes in kinetic energy are transferred from object to object. OK, car crash=chain reaction, that sounds simple enough. But O’Connor takes it onto another realm by saying, “I thought of this as analogous to the societal transfer of wealth from poor to rich. This process is evident in products and assets– vehicles whose practical function is incrementally usurped by their form as luxury objects.” He has re-imagined the chain effect of a multi-car crash as an analogy to capitalist desire and status. The “crash” begins in the upper left-hand corner and as the crashes continue the cars become more and more expensive, they are interspersed with cartoon and fictional cars, logos and seemingly random words and slogans. The entire drawing spirals into the center, where it all dissolves into an abstracted “wormhole” that, in O’Connor’s Universe, takes you back to the beginning. The entire drawing thus becomes an infinite loop of consumerism and advertising.

If this all sounds like a lot to put into one drawing, well, it is. Many of the works in this show seem to be almost made in a fever dream. They all have deep underpinnings, and the ideas, as well as the visuals, come spinning out at you with force field energy. Some of them feel to me a visualization of the way the brain makes connections. It’s an interesting dichotomy because these drawings must have taken an enormous amount of pre-planning and time to create, but the impact is instant and visceral. The very process that he uses to make these–colored pencil and graphite–is time-intensive, and when you see the dense color-saturated surfaces, it is a little mind-boggling that they are pencil and not paint.

The use of advertising images and fonts of every imaginable type reflects the bombardment of commercial imagery in our world. O’Connor faithfully reproduces recognizable slogans and typefaces. He has a particular fondness for the sounds of old comic books and TV shows (CRUNCH! BATMAN! NEW!). His mastery of the reproduction of these many iconic visual/verbal images is remarkable.

Echo, Day Five- colored pencil and graphite on paper. 89.5 x 70. 2023. Photo courtesy of Photo courtesy of JSP Photography

Echo Day Five (detail)

Echo reminds me of one of my favorite childhood word games- The Rebus. This is a puzzle where words are represented by both pictures and letters to spell out a story. I love the dance O’Connor does between the amusing and the profound. The subject matter of his work is deep and dense and heady, yet the images are infused with a pop art sensibility. You’re a little dazzled by the visual games, and the more serious content sneaks up on you as you try to “read “the game.

Installation view of the gallery. Photo courtesy of Melissa Stern

Beyond his stunning drawings, there is sculptural installation in this show that feels like O’Connor’s peripatetic brain jogging off into another direction. Words flow up, down and around hanging shapes. They don’t feel completely in dialogue with the drawings, despite their common theme of the use of words. The sculptures feel a little thin. Entirely worthy pieces, just not quite as powerful as the drawings.

Get yourself well-caffeinated and put on your thinking cap before you see this show. The work is provocative and offers no easy answers. And that fits perfectly with the state of the world.today.

thE mAn- colored pencil and graphite on paper. 14 x 9. 2023. Photo courtesy of JSP Art Photography

Man Bites Don Bites Man- at L’Space through February 17th. 524 West 19th St, NYC. Presented in partnership with Pierogi Gallery

*John O’Connor is quoted from the catalogue for the exhibition. 2023


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Stéphane Mandelbaum at The Drawing Center

Posted on November 29, 2023 by Melissa Stern


A drawing of a person Description automatically generated

Ernst Röhm, 1981, Graphite, gouache, marker, and color pencil on paper. 54 3/4 x 47 1/4 inches

Who was Stephane Mandelbaum? A closeted gay man? The child of Holocaust survivors? A liar? A thief? A brilliant artist you’ve never heard of? All of the above and perhaps more.

The Drawing Center is presenting the first-ever show of Mandelbaum’s work in the US, and it is a show that left me gob-smacked. The combination of Mandelbaum’s brilliant drawing, deeply personal vision, and the complexity of his backstory is a tale made for cinema. Born in 1961 to a family of paternal Polish Holocaust survivors and maternal Belgian Armenians, Mandelbaum grew up in the town of Namur, about an hour and a half from Brussels. His Father, Ari, was a well-known painter, and his mother, Pili, was an illustrator. There is no record of siblings. A gifted draftsman from a young age but dyslexic and eccentric, Mandelbaum moved from Namur to Brussels, where he seemed to devote his time to making drawings and engaging in what is termed “petty crime.” He married a woman from Zaire (now called The Democratic Republic of Congo) and lived between the worlds of Belgian Africans, the Belgian crime underworld, and his own artistic imagination.

A drawing of a person Description automatically generatedKismatores! (Portrait d’Arié Mandelbaum) (Kiss my Ass! [Portrait of Arié Mandelbaum]), 1982, Graphite lead, color pencil, and collage on paper. 59 x 46 7/16 inches
Detail of above drawing.
A white board with a picture of a child Description automatically generatedDetail of above drawing.

Much about Mandelbaum is obscured by the fact that he was by several accounts a habitual liar, and this leaves massive gaps and red herrings in his autobiography. What can be verified is thin; what is known creates a puzzle perhaps best gleaned from the work itself.

But I buried the lede: Mandelbaum was murdered, and his corpse disfigured after he delivered a stolen Modigliani painting that turned out to be a forgery to underworld figures who had hired him to steal it. He died in 1986 at the age of 25. What survives is a huge archive of drawings and notebooks, 57 of which are being shown at The Drawing Center. I find it curious that the wall text and press release make little to no note of Mandelbaum’s crime dealings and the cause of his death. Rather than being sensationalist, they are to me, essential elements in creating a full portrait of this elusive artist.

Primarily a portraitist, Mandelbaum’s drawings in this exhibition range in size from a diminutive 5 x 7 to a life-size 68 x 52. While there are a few portraits of women drawn from a bar in the northern part of the city, most of the drawings in the exhibition are of men. There are some family members, most notably a huge portrait of the artist’s father, Ari Mandelbaum (pictured above), which deserves more discussion. But mostly, the portraits are of famous gay men- Piero Passolini, Francis Bacon, Werner Maria Fassbinder, George Dyer, Arturo Rimbaud and (rumored to be gay) Nazis. Mandelbaum had a fascination with and was drawn to transgressive artists, political and military strongmen, denizens of the night, crime figures, his own Jewish heritage, and, yes, Nazis. A psychologically complex combination of interests, to be sure.

Because of his opaque biography, we don’t really know what the connection was in his mind, as well as the nature of his marriage or lifestyle. It is strange to me that there seems to be so little recorded about Mandelbaum. He died in 1986, and there must be people still alive who knew him. But after exhaustive online research, I found nothing more than sketchy outlines. The inclusion in his drawings of Yiddish, German, and French text, as well as collaged porn photos and Nazi iconography, makes it tantalizing to armchair psychoanalyze the work. Rather than opine in the dark about his artistic motivations and life, I leave the work to speak for itself, as apparently did the artist and those who survived him.

A framed art with a white frame Description automatically generated with medium confidenceComposition (Mishima, Bacon…), 1980 Ballpoint pen on paper, 6 9/16 x 9 1/4 inches
A drawing of a person Description automatically generatedGeorge Dyer, 1982 Graphite on paper 59 x 47 1/4 inches
Two framed pictures of a person Description automatically generatePier Paolo Pasolini(Antonello de Messi_e, Pietà,1477-1478), 1980 Ballpoint pen, marker, and collage on paper 20 3/8 x 28 inches. Pasolini n_°8, 1980, Ballpoint pen on paper, 19 11/16 x 27 1/2 inches

Most, if not all of Mandelbaum’s portraits appear to be painted from photographs, albeit with some subtle tweaks. Mandelbaum often added in aspects of his own visage to his “sitter’s” image or added cartoons of himself sneaking into larger compositions. Appearing and re-appearing over and over again is a chilling portrait of Joseph Goebbels, Hiltler’s chief propagandist and a virulent anti-Semite. Mandelbaum portrays Goebbels in profile, his mouth open in mid-yell, the image taken from an infamous speech of May 1933. His teeth have been removed from the portrait, an interesting artistic choice that opens the door to all sorts of theories of the artist’s intent.

A drawing of a person Description automatically generatedGoebbels, 1980, Ballpoint pen on paper, 18 1/2 x 21 9/16 inches
A framed picture of a person's head Description automatically generatedGueule cassée et autoportrait (Broken face with self-portrait), 1980, Ballpoint pen and collage on paper 19 11/16 x 27 1/2 inches

Drawing with the simplest of implements- ballpoint pen and pencil, a little gouache, and a smattering of collage, Mandelbaum shows an intuitive and fluid style. His compositions are sophisticated, often using large areas of negative space balanced by jam-packed spaces to move his narratives forward. He regularly alternates deeply dense areas of marks with those that are sketchier, focusing our attention on the faces and moods of his sitters.

This long overdue exhibition is by turns terrifying, sad, provocative, and brilliant. Mandelbaum, possibly a tragic but undeniably complex character, has left us with a body of work that raises more questions than answers. To me, that is always a sign of great artwork.

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A Stage Within a Stage- Ye Qin Zhu at Dimin

Published on ArtSpiel.org, Oct. 8, 2023.

A Stage Within a Stage-mixed media on eight fitted panels. 5 x 27 feet. 2022-2023

There’s a riot going on. That’s what I thought as I stood in front of Ye Qin Zhu’s large-scale installation piece at Dimin in Tribeca. The gallery space painted a matte black that seems to absorb all the light in the room, is dominated by one wall-mounted assemblage that is 27 feet long and five feet tall. There is a bench placed in front so that the viewer can take a few minutes to absorb the full volume of information and energy radiating from this piece.

A Stage Within a Stage- detail

And it is a lot to take in. Zhu is a maximalist and has filled these giant wooden panels with myriad objects, textures, and a narrative that morphs from one thing to another as it travels along the walls of the gallery. The panels are puzzled together such that the entire piece feels like one long connected dream image. Alternating between flat and low-relief surfaces, Zhu takes us on a journey that feels both material and global. Bits and pieces of imagery appear and disappear – dancing Mexican Skeleton musicians, Japanese characters, keyboards, beads, insects, fabric, plastic toys- the flotsam and jetsam of global culture floating through a hallucinatory jumble of color and light. The piece works as both a single installation– your eye taking in the entire Universe that Zhu has created– and as a piece to be dissected in bite-size portions as you walk along with it. It is an impressive accomplishment. I watched gallery visitors study the piece with rapt attention.

A Stage Within a Stage- detail

Ye Qin Zhu- Vehicle no. 2. Mixed media on panel. 47 x 25 2023

As impressive as the piece A Stage Within a Stage, I found myself drawn to the almost monochromatic pieces in the front room of the gallery. Shown on bright white walls, punctuated by natural shadow and sunlight, these much smaller assemblage wall pieces are subtle and play with formal properties of texture and form rather than global narratives. Each is covered in a pearlized surface that glitters gently, revealing soft pastel shades that undulate below the surfaces. The undersides are painted in fluorescent orange so that each piece has a brilliant aura that radiates from behind and around it. They appear to float an inch or two from the wall. The found objects and mixed materials are unified by the surface treatment, so we really see the forms as the light licks around the shapes.

Ye Qin Zhu- Raft no.1 and Raft no. 2. Mixed media on panel. 43 x 34 and 461/2 x 31 . 2023 (shadow and light courtesy of nature.)

A Stage Within a Stage- detail

The gallery has created an interesting dichotomy with this show. One room dark and pulsating with color, form, and narrative. The other is light and contemplative. I felt very strongly the push and pull between the two rooms. To me, the totality of the exhibition can be seen as the embodiment of Jungian dichotomies– a visual push and pull, if you will. Each room reflects visual traits that are the sensual opposite of the other. Seen together, the two rooms make for a complete “person,” a complete artistic vision. It is a statement that resonates long after you leave the gallery.

A Stage Within a Stage Thru. Oct. 14. DIMIN 406 Broadway, 2ndfloor.

Photos courtesy of the artist, DIMIN, and Melissa Stern.

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Here Now: Contemporary Photographers of the Hudson Valley

Published August 30, 2023 by Melissa Stern on Artspiel

Photographer , Carnival Mexico 2017

Phyllis Galembo  Photographer, Carnival Mexico. Fujiflex print. 30 x 30 2017.

The Kleinart James Center in Woodstock, New York, is currently presenting a very ambitious and interesting photography exhibition. Entitled Here Now: Contemporary Photographers of the Hudson Valley, the show presents 17 artists representing a portion of the many photographers working in this geography. Organized by curator Jane Hart, the show offers a wide range of aesthetic visions and techniques.

The show is loud. That is, there is a lot of color. In fact, all the work presented is color photography or video. It’s an interesting curatorial choice, and though quite strong, I did occasionally long for a moment of black-and-white respite.

The exhibition is loosely organized around several themes. Nature and the world (natural and manmade), identity (race, gender) and storytelling. And though these themes don’t connect overall, the show leaves the door wide open for viewers to relate and gravitate to the kinds of photographic works that speak to them. I will discuss the pieces that spoke to me.

Tim Davis, Huckleberry Point. From the series Upstate Event Horizon. Digital photograph 19 x 13 2017

In a novel and totally appealing installation, over 100 photographs by Tim Davis are spread out over a large farm table, and the public is encouraged to paw through them. I‘ve never seen photographs displayed this way, and it was a wonderful change of paradigm. At the exhibition’s opening, the table was thronged with people delightedly going through the piles. They are the culmination of Davis’s journey through 300 towns in the Hudson Valley, shooting people, places, and things. They make for a potent document of life in the Hudson Valley. The photos themselves are terrific. I was tempted to tuck a few under my arm and sneak out of the show.

Carolyn Marks Blackwood- Every night he longed for her. Archival pigment print. 62 x62. 2018

Carolyn Marks Blackwood is represented by two very large photographs from her “Story Series.” The size is relevant at 62 x 62 inches; they are a commanding presence. The delicate color and tone of the interwoven tree and branches become magical when printed in human size. Each of her two photographs in the show has a brief caption, the one line of a short story that unlocks the key to the narrative.

Oliver Wasow- Collapsed Dish and Mall Interior from the series Information and Resources. Archival inkjet prints. 13 x 17. 2023.

In a different Universe altogether are the odd and dystopian works by Oliver Wasow. It’s hard to know if they are totally fabricated by software techniques or if they are augmented “real” photos. Wasow is long known for his immersion in new non-lens-based forms of creation. Twelve 13 x 17 framed photographs are arranged in a grid. Viewed altogether as they are installed here, they read as a portrait of an ominous future. Scarred and desolate landscapes, dilapidated buildings, destruction, and desolation. Each is suffused with a strange, surreal color sense appropriate for the world that they depict. They are both beautiful and terrifying. Perhaps a prescient vision of our future.

Phyllis Galembo- Bounty of Life. Fujiflex print. 30 x 30 2019.

I have long been a fan of Phyilis Galembo’s portraits of people in masks and costumes. She has published a number of excellent books that border on ethnographic documentation of both non-Western societies and American rituals. I was thrilled to see two of her portraits of people in contemporary Mexican ritual costumes. They are vibrant and delicious. Rich, saturated color amplifies the tangle of objects and images that adorn each of the people presented in formal frontal poses. The formality of the images is a nice counterpoint to the delirious nature of the costumes.

Each of the 17 photographers showcased in this exhibition has a strong and deeply personal vision. Though not a comprehensive survey of Hudson Valley photo-based artists (that would fill a museum), this is a thoughtful and worthy exhibition to visit- yet another demonstration of the vibrant visual art scene in the mid-Hudson Valley.

Here Now: Contemporary Photographers of the Hudson Valley. Woodstock Byrdcliffe Guild’s Kleinart James Center for the Arts. 36 Tinker Street, Woodstock, NY. The exhibition runs through September 24, 2023.

All photos courtesy of the artist.

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A Garden Grows in the Meatpacking District

Specimens.- 2018. 287 pieces of wood with powdered graphite, 42” x 35” x 6” approx.

Sculptor Loren Eiferman has brought a veritable garden of strange to Ivy Brown Gallery this summer. Her meticulously fabricated wood sculptures create a fantastical garden of forms that are both biomorphic and often anthropomorphic at the same time.

According to Eiferman, the body of work is loosely based on a cryptic 15th century manuscript of illustrations (real and imaginary) housed at The Beniecke Library at Yale University. The Voynich Manuscript is a wild compendium of botany, astronomy, astrology pharmacology and who knows what else. It’s original language and code was finally cracked in 2020 after decades of attempts.

46r/New Growth- 2022, 217 pieces of wood, acrylic paint, linseed oil, 43”x26” x 3.5”.

One can see the influence of this clearly in the show, entitled Welcome to My Garden. The sculptures inhabit their own perfectly imagined Universe and the language of form and color is totally original. Fabricated out of found wood Eiferman has seamlessly constructed forms that look like that they just popped out of the ground or beamed down from a spaceship. It is as if they too are visually written in a secret code. Hard to crack but arresting to look at. The palette is soft and muted, though not shy. The wood has been deeply saturated with rich color often highlighted by hits of metallic pigment. Constructed of many, perhaps hundreds of small pieces of wood, Eiferman has contrived to make these sculptures look effortless.

Abutilon- 2022. 118 pieces of wood with silver metal coating. 33 x 32 x 7

8v- 2022, 154 pieces of wood, pastel, graphite, paper pulp and linseed oil, 60”x12”x4”. (detail)

Most are large wall pieces with some charming small ones displayed on shelves throughout the gallery. There is one larger floor piece that incorporates a found plastic object. I didn’t quite understand this one, but perhaps it’s the beginning of the next step and direction for the artist. Often artists end one body of work with w hint of what is coming next.


Left- 5r- 2020, wood, earth, graphite, pastel and matte medium, 24” x 15” x 6”.

29/17v- 2021, 76 pieces of wood, earth, matte mediums, pastel, linseed oil and silver leaf, 17” x 5”x 3.5

The sculptures are accompanied by two large spiral bound books of drawings that the artist has made, one a day, based on photos from the New York Times. They are quite accomplished and really deserve to be shown on the wall. A very separate but no less interesting body of work.

Polarity- 2022, silver metal coating with Caran D’ache crayon, graphite and acrylic paint on newspaper, 11” x 14

The show closes on August 2, so I urge you to get over to the Meatpacking District where the gallery occupies a top floor space in a Flatiron type angular building. Nice views of the tourists and fascinating art inside.

Welcome to My Garden – through August 2. Ivy Brown Gallery 675 Hudson St, NYC.

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Just say YES to NADA!

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Paul Wackers- First Time, Long Time. Jack Hanley Gallery

I’ve been to more art fairs than I can count, but the ones that I’ve had fun at I could count on two hands. Many are too big, dealers are either stressed out or bored, mundane work or work that is inaccessible or silly. The last show that I went to before the pandemic was The Armory Show at the westside piers. It was a few days before the world shut down and the fair was eerily empty. I wandered alone through a fair that typically had been jam packed with beautiful art lovers. And then everything went quiet for about a year and a half.

Since the pandemic is now over (old news!) the NYC art fairs have come roaring back and this past week has been what feels like an avalanche of art and art related events. Overwhelming, to say the least.

I’ve always been keen on the smaller venues – The Metropolitam Pavillion is a perfect size venue for an art fair. Second to that, in no hierarchical order is the old Dia Building on west 22nd street. The building, despite its extreme verticality, exudes good vibes and holds many memories of great exhibitions and fairs. Suffused with good light, remnants of the building’s industrial past and a new (at least to me) rooftop space. It’s little surprise that visiting NADA (New Art Dealers Alliance) 2023 is so satisfying.

On the whole the work being shown is sophisticated and mature. The exhibition space is nicely laid out, giving the galleries space to curate coherently, but not over-stuff the space. I have never attended an art fair where so many dealers seemed, well, happy. From speaking without about 1/3 of the dealers it appears that first day sales were good. That always makes art dealers happy, but beyond that the general vibe was upbeat and energetic. One suggestion to exhibitors- maybe have the name of the artist available to those visiting your booth. Demanding that everyone use a QR code on their phone to find out who you’re showing is a buzz kill.

Here, in no particular order are things that I fell in love with:

Glorious still life paintings at Jack Hanley Gallery (see opening photo). Though “still life” is a misnomer, as these paintings are anything but still. Bursting with energy, color and sly surprises.

Kambel Smith. Shrine Gallery

Shrine Gallery, whose program consistently shows a mix of contemporary and self-taught artists has brough the sculpture of Kambel Smith. Smith is a self-taught artist who makes very large scale architectural models of famous buildings and monuments from discarded cardboard. The sculptures are both funny and poignant. A mashup of scale and proportion animates these iconic buildings, everything seems ready to dance.

Europa Gallery has one of the most coherently curated booths, showcasing sculpture by Brandon Morris, carved wooden stools/sculptures by Nik Gelormino and paintings by Brian Degraw.

Brian Degraw- Europa Gallery

Making their first visit to NADA and NYC is South Parade from London. They brought a small, but stunning group of carved and painted wood wall reliefs by Tom Hardwick. Totally fresh work, they are like microcosm Universes, a must see.

Tom Hardwick- detail of Allan Sq. South Parade, London

I’ve long been interested in the mixed material work of Sacha Ingber and was happy to see a beautiful grouping of their work at Rachel Uffner Gallery.

Sacha Ingber- Cruel Anatomy. Rachel Uffner Gallery

Luis de Jesus has brought a suite of narrative paintings by Aaron Maier-Carretero. The show is entitled “a lobster named dinner”. Viewed all together the paintings tell a short story, based on childhood memories of family and food. They are awash in luscious color. I found myself drawn to the most stripped down of the group. The richly painted surface of the black, white and grey painting told its own story.

Aaron Maier-Carretero- black shadows, white noise. Luis de Jesus Los Angeles

Focusing on portraiture, Galerie Anne Barrault has brought some deeply moving paintings on paper by Marie Losier. Though I didn’t connect with the videos, the portraits were very powerful.

Marie Losier- Tito et Floencia. Galerie Anne Barrault

If you can fight your way through the jungle of competing art fairs and cultural events in NYC this weekend and have the bandwidth to look at one more fair, this would be the one.

NADA NY- 548 West 22nd St.

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